Sunday, October 09, 2005

just another one of those days...

ever had one of those days that you wish you could erase off the planet? where you just wake up knowing, having this feeling in your gut that you've stumbled into yet another one? and yet, against your better judgement, against those gut intuitive feelings, we are determined to get out of bed and face up to the day. these are the days where you curse more than you think, where murphy's law becomes the new explanation for the physics of the universe, where we subconsciously kick our own asses and 'i told you so' comes out of the mouth of the entire human population of the planet.

sometimes i feel like god is talking to us in those few lucid moments after we wake up. and it is only the stubbornness of us that refuses to listen.


But I will learn to breathe this ugliness you see,
So we can both be there and we can both share the dark.
And in our honesty, together we will rise,
Out of our nightminds, and into the light
At the end of the fight...

You were blessed by a different kind of inner view: it's all magnified.
The highs would make you fly, and the lows make you want to die.
And I was once there, hanging from that very ledge where you are standing.
So I know I know I know,
It's easier to let go...

Missy Higgins - Nightminds


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